- The BP-22 IPR follows the cost-management objective outlined in the 2018 – 2023 Strategic Plan to hold the sum of program costs, by business line, at or below the rate of inflation through 2028.
- BPA will incorporate the new program plan structure and updated strategic asset management plans into the IPR.
- BPA will produce a detailed publication on the budget process and spending levels as well as specific information on program spending levels. The publication will be posted June 12 along with the underlying data tables in advance of the kickoff meeting and workshops.
- The public process began on June 15, and will last approximately 6 weeks.
- Workshops on specific programs were held on June 16 and June 17.
A public comment period ran from June 15 to July 31 to collect feedback on the proposed capital and expense spending forecasts for fiscal years 2022 and 2023 before they are included in the BP-22 Initial Proposal. In response to requests for the Strategic Asset Management Plans, BPA hosted a SAMPs workshop on Oct. 13 and made the SAMPs publicly available on the Strategic Asset Management Plan webpage.
IPR 1 SAMP Workshop Information
IPR 1 Publications
BPA indicated the potential need to hold a second BP-22 Integrated Program Review process in the BP-22 IPR closeout report and other forums. The purpose of a second IPR was to address economic uncertainty resulting from COVID-19 and impacts related to the Columbia River System Operations environmental impact statement, the results of which were unknown while developing the IPR funding levels. The IPR 2 is limited in scope to the following topics:
- Capital spending for the Transmission and Facilities asset categories
- Impacts of the Columbia River System Operations Environmental Impact Statement and associated Endangered Species Act consultations
IPR 2 Publications
IPR 2 Workshop Information
For additional BP-22 information, see the BP-22 Rate Case webpage.