Mission Statement

To help BPA achieve its mission, while fulfilling the agency's trust responsibility to tribes as defined by federal laws, treaties, executive orders and policies, including BPA's Tribal Policy. 

We accomplish this by working with the tribes and BPA to:

  • Promote effective working relationships by identifying and resolving key issues
  • Communicate in a collaborative manner
  • Consult in a meaningful way

Call for applications

Rating Sheet

Tribal Affairs Resources

Contact us

Mailing address:
Bonneville Power Administration
Tribal Affairs Office - DIT-7
P.O. Box 3621
Portland, OR 97208-3621

Street address:
905 NE 11th Ave.
Portland, OR 97232

Phone: 503-230-7685
Fax: 503-230-4019
Email address: tribalaffairs@bpa.gov