Climate Change Research

The 2013 climate change research study, which was principally funded by BPA’s Technology and Innovation Office and other federal and state agencies, advanced the state-of-the-science in hydroclimate prediction, and projected hydrological effects of climate change across the region.   

Part I (2018) focused on hydroclimate variables such as projected temperature, precipitation, snowpack and streamflow changes in the Columbia River Basin, and for many river basins in western Oregon and Washington, through the rest of the 21st century. Part II (2020) followed on Part I studies with a focus on current reservoir regulation. Flows produced for Part I were modified for evapotranspiration and irrigation depletions and input into hydro-regulation models. The response of regulated streamflow to climate change under existing Columbia River hydro-regulation procedures were evaluated and summarized in report Part II. Interrelated reservoir modeling was conducted by BPA, Reclamation, and the Corps of Engineers. The monthly regulated streamflow datasets developed by the Corps are available for download. Modeling data from Reclamation and BPA are available upon request. Send inquires to Reclamation at and to BPA at

Climate Change Resiliency

April 18, 2022 Workshop Materials
March 21, 2022 Workshop Materials

Climate Change Study (2018-2020)

Climate Change Study (2009-2011)

The comment period is now closed. Read submitted comments on the Public Comment webpage.

Climate and Hydrology Datasets for use in the RMJOC Agencies’ Longer-Term Planning Studies: