Bonneville and its long-term transmission customers have concluded settlement discussions and have developed a proposed settlement of issues in the upcoming TC-20 and BP-20 proceedings. The proposed settlement is a “package” that includes two agreements. The TC-20 Settlement Agreement settles the TC-20 Tariff terms and conditions proceeding and establishes the new Bonneville Tariff. The BP-20 Partial Rates Settlement Agreement settles the rates for Transmission, Ancillary, and Control Area Services (“BP-20 Partial Settlement Agreement”) for purposes of the BP-20 rate proceeding and the FY 2020-21 rate period.
The TC-20 record of decision is available above in the Final Proposal section.
The settlement package is posted below.
Bonneville sincerely thanks the parties for their participation in the settlement discussions and hard work and collaboration on the settlement agreements.
TC-20 Settlement Agreement
The TC-20 Settlement Agreement represents the final negotiated terms of settlement for Bonneville’s Tariff. Attachment 1 includes terms of the settlement. Attachment 2 includes the Tariff (“Settlement Tariff”) that is proposed to become effective October 1, 2019 and will supersede and replace Bonneville’s current tariff. If adopted, the Settlement Tariff will apply to all signatories’ existing transmission service agreements and all new transmission service agreements and new generator interconnection service agreements.
If all transmission customers with long-term service agreements (as indicated in Attachment 3) sign the TC-20 Settlement Agreement by November 30, 2018, and no parties to the BP-20 proceeding object to the BP-20 Partial Settlement Agreement, then Bonneville will move for the TC-20 Hearing Officer to issue a recommended decision to the Administrator to adopt the TC-20 Settlement Agreement.
The contents of the TC-20 Settlement Agreement are as follows:
Bonneville has developed a summary of the commitments in the TC-20 settlement agreement following:
BP-20 Partial Settlement Agreement
The BP-20 Partial Settlement Agreement represents the final negotiated terms of settlement for the FY 2020-21 transmission, ancillary, and control area services rates covered by the agreement. Bonneville will propose that the Administrator adopt the BP-20 Partial Settlement Agreement in the BP-20 rate proceeding, and Bonneville will move for the Hearing Officer to set a deadline for objections to the agreement. Customers that have signed the TC-20 Settlement Agreement may also sign the BP-20 Partial Settlement Agreement, but it is not necessary to do so. The contents of the BP-20 Partial Settlement Agreement are as follows: