To create adaptive policies that will allow BPA to participate successfully in an increasingly competitive electric utility environment and to continue to meet specific public service obligations as a Federal agency.


For further information on this project, please contact or 503-230-4628.


Final Business Plan EIS ROD  (08/15/95)
Final Business Plan EIS  (June 1995)
Supplement Analysis to the Business Plan EIS  (April 2007)

For specific actions proposed within the scope of the broader policies embodied in BPA's Business Plan EIS, a Tiered ROD provides documentation of whether the subsequent decision is consistent with the analysis in the Business Plan EIS.

Juniper Canyon I Wind Project (05/10/10)
Lower Snake River Wind Energy Project (01/28/10)
Kittitas Valley Wind Project (09/04/09)
Golden Hills Wind Project (08/13/09)
Leaning Juniper II Wind Project (04/03/09)
Long-Term Regional Dialogue Contract Policy ROD (10/31/08)
Shepherd's Flat Wind Farm BPA Interconnection (07/18/08)
Willow Creek Winds Project BPA Interconnection (06/04/08)
Long-Term Regional Dialogue Policy ROD (07/19/07)
Service to DSI Customers for FY2007-2011 Administrator's ROD (6/29/05)
Big Horn Wind Project (03/24/2005)
Leaning Juniper Wind Project (03/11/05)
Policy for Power Supply Role for Fiscal Years 2007-2011 (Regional Dialogue) (02/04/05)
Arlington CEP Wind Generation Interconnection Project (01/14/05)
Hopkins Ridge Wind Farm Interconnect (12/20/04)
Revised Summit Westward Interconnect (10/21/04)
Summit Westward Interconnect (07/25/03)
Safety-Net Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause (SN CRAC) (06/30/03)
Cliffs Energy Project (09/13/02)
Mint Farm Generation Project (02/14/02)
TransAlta Centralia LLC Big Hanaford Generation Project (10/19/01)
Longview Energy Development Project (07/31/01)
Temporary Small Resource Policy (06/22/01)
Goldendale Energy Project (03/20/01)
Power Subscription Strategy (12/21/98)
Pre-Subscription, Post 2001 Contracts (07/24/97)
Templates (New Power Sales Contracts) and Amendatory Agreement No. 7 (05/13/96)
Amendatory Agreements to 1981 Power Sales Contracts ROD Supplement (03/04/96)
Amendatory Agreements to 1981 Power Sales Contracts (02/16/96)
Sierra Pacific Power Company - Alturas Transmission Line Interconnection (02/15/96)
Short-Term Marketing and Operating Arrangements (01/22/96)
Firm Non-Requirements Products and Services and Contracts (10/17/95)
DSI Customer Requirements Power Sales Contract (09/28/95)
Industrial Incentive Rate Sale for Idle Pacific Northwest (9/20/95)
Long-Term Extension of Current General Transmission Agreement (8/31/95)

SA - 08 Bonneville Environmental Foundation Funding Agreement (12/13/10)
SA - 07 Service to Direct Service Industries (09/22/09)
SA - 06 Bonneville Environmental Foundation Funding MOA (05/28/04)
SA - 05 Boise River Diversion Dam Powerplant Rehabilitation (10/17/02)
SA - 04 Klondike Wind Project (05/24/02)
SA - 03 Goldendale Energy Project (03/20/01)
SA - 02 Dworshak Small Hydroelectric Project (06/20/02)
SA - 01 Okanogan Electric Cooperative, Inc. (12/20/99)