
Department of Energy (DOE) Resources

BPA is one of 14 energy agencies operating under DOE. These resources may aid you in your search for records.

  • DOE FOIA Regulations –These provide information concerning the procedures by which records may be requested from all DOE offices. BPA follows these regulations.
  • DOE FOIA Website  This site aids in finding information about the offices of the DOE (such as BPA) and to obtain records that are publicly available without submitting a FOIA request.

BPA Resources

BPA has its own policy and procedures which ensure FOIA requests are processed fairly and efficiently.

  • FOIA Policy – This policy establishes the FOIA as an important part of the agency’s overall responsibilities.
  • FOIA Handbook – This documents the agency’s procedures for processing FOIA requests. (coming soon)

Government-Wide FOIA Related Resources

  • Department of Justice (DOJ) Guide to the FOIA, updated on a rolling basis.
  • DOJ Infographic on FOIA
  • DOJ FOIA Post, providing DOJ-OIP FOIA guidance updates
  • Attorney General Freedom of Information Act Guidelines
  •, DOJ's government-wide FOIA request portal
  • National Archives and Records Administration General Records Schedule 4.2: Information Access and Protection Records
  •, Making Electronic and Information Technology Accessible to People with Disabilities

The 2007 FOIA amendments created the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) to offer mediation services to resolve disputes between FOIA requesters and federal agencies as a non-exclusive alternative to litigation. Using OGIS services does not affect your right to pursue litigation. You may contact OGIS in any of the following ways:

Office of Government Information Services
National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road - OGIS
College Park, MD 20740-6001


Telephone: 202-741-5770
Fax: 202-741-5769
Toll-free: 1-877-684-6448
Disclaimer: To the extent that anything included on the DOI FOIA website may be or could be construed as inconsistent with the law or DOI's regulations, the law and regulations will control DOI's responsibilities under the FOIA.


Privacy-Related Resources

  • The Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. §552a) – The statute that requires agencies give the public notice of their systems of records (those systems that collect and maintain information about individuals) and provide individuals access to their records.
  • Privacy Act System of Records Notices – The Privacy Act applies to records that are retrieved using a unique personal identifier for an individual, such as a name or a unique identifying number, such as a Social Security number. These types of records are collected in a “system of records.”