We normally process FOIA requests in the order in which they are received. To ensure that simple requests – those requiring little search or review - are not delayed by the processing of complex or voluminous requests, we place simple requests in a separate queue. Within each of these queues, BPA processes requests in the order in which it receives them.
Generally, the FOIA requires BPA to respond to your request within 20 business days. The 20-day “clock” starts when BPA receives a request that includes all of the required elements listed above, including an adequate description of records sought. If your request does not meet those requirements, BPA’s FOIA Public Liaison will contact you and work with you to remedy any procedural issues. If you fail to address the concerns within 30 calendar days of notification, BPA will deem your request to be withdrawn. You may still resubmit a request at any time.
Expedited Processing
You may request expedited processing of your FOIA request. If we are able to provide expedited processing, we will process your request ahead of other requests in that queue, and will respond to your request as soon as possible. Requests that are complex or voluminous may still require 20 or more days to process, even if expedited processing has been approved.
If you would like expedited processing, you must request it in writing when you file your FOIA request. BPA will grant expedited processing if you can demonstrate a “compelling need” for the information requested. To do so, you must show that either:
Not obtaining the requested records in an expedited manner could reasonably be expected to pose an imminent threat to the life or physical safety to an individual; OR
You are primarily engaged in disseminating information; urgency exists to inform the public about an actual or alleged federal government activity; and delaying response to the request will compromise a significant, recognized interest to the American public.
Your request for expedited processing must also include the following certification, which is required by federal law: “I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on [date].” Requests for expedited processing will be granted or denied within 10 calendar days. If we deny your request, we will provide an explanation of our decision, and provide information about how to appeal the decision.
Delayed Responses
Under certain circumstances, BPA is allowed to respond to your request outside of the strict 20-day deadline. BPA may toll (pause) the “clock” one time while we await your clarification of a request. We may also delay response while the FOIA Public Liaison works with you to resolve any dispute regarding fees.
BPA may extend the 20 business day deadline by an additional 10 business days or longer when a request involves “unusual circumstances.” This is defined by statute as requests that require:
- The need to search for and collect records from more than one office.
- The need to review a voluminous amount of records for responsiveness or redaction.
- The need to consult with the Department of Energy or another government agency.
If your request requires one or more of these steps, BPA’s FOIA Public Liaison will contact you to determine if you would like to narrow the scope or otherwise simplify your request. If you cannot or will not simplify your request, BPA will notify you in writing that we will not be able to meet the 20-day deadline, explaining why we need an extension, and when we expect to complete your request.